Noise Cancelling Dynamic Microphone (for close talking)
Has a rugged , dependable dynamic element in a « TEAR
DROP » style housing
Ideal for CB, amateur radio and SSB communications
Famous 636L dynamic noise cancelling element assures
clarity innoisy conditions, and effectively reduces wind
and vehicle noise
Heavy duty coil cord extendes to 71/2 feet. Wired with
4- pin plug for Cobra, Uniden & Galaxy etc.
Can be wired to any 3,4,5 or 6 pin wire system
Durable construction molded Cycolac is combined with a
Polyurethane-coated steel grill, and soft vinyl lip guard
Frequency Response: 100 – 5000 ohms
Output Level: -56dB
Impedance: 400 ohms , matches 50 to 1000 ohms